Sunday 15 July 2012

[ Going Out w/ Parents w/ Makeup For The First Time! ]

15 July 2012

PEACE~~ O(≧▽≦)O

After tuition today, for the first time ever, I went out with my parents. WITH MAKEUP ON!

I was a little afraid to go out with makeup on with them previously, because I was afraid that they would ask me to limit my makeup to cosplay and cosplay alone. So I was a little surprised when my Mother asked me to try doing the 'natural' makeup. She wanted to see if I had learned anything from the Gyaru lesson I 'attended' yesterday. ∩( ・ω・)∩

So yes, I was really happy and started to do my makeup~!  (≧∇≦)/

I started with my normal routine but I did not use false lashes! For my upper lashes at least! I used Candy Doll Volume Mascara. Its really good. It made my eyelashes seem thick and for that, I was really happy. For my bottom lashes though, I was a cheat. I used

Dolly Wink No. 5 Lower Lashes. It was my first attempt and needless to say, they were such a pleasure to use!

After that, we left for Vivo to renew our cable box tv contract~

The following pictures may be skipped because its all camwhore ( as per always ) so, there is no need to pay overly much attention! ヽ(*≧ω≦)ノ  

Oh yes, I saw this pair of shorts that made me go 'OMHF' I immediately thought of Seika because I remembered that she wanted a pair of gradient shorts. These pair of shorts were a sloping gradient of pale yellow to forest green. My camera wasnt able to capture the colour perfectly. Sadly. \(T∇T)/

This is me taking advantage of Starhub's internet connected Macbook. The Suicide Circus! *spazz* \( `.∀´)/

I GOT TROLLED MY SHIN. I was really sure that I was about to capture a picture of Reno through my camera but the moment the shutters snapped and I viewed the picture, what I saw, was the above. Shin's hand looked as if it was preventing me from snapping a picture of Reno. WHY ARE YOU SO MEAN SHIN!! ( ̄个 ̄)

Me and my weird faces. Dinner was at a lovely air-conditioned shop on Commonwealth Avenue, near Queenstown Library.

Off I go now, my bag for school will not pack itself!


Yours truly

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