Thursday 7 June 2012

[ Late Night Make-up ]

7 June 2012

Ciaossu~! (★^O^★)

Yesterday night, I played with make-up along with my brother's girlfriend. I tried to do it based on the Kera magazine but it didnt turn out right because I didnt possess their fairness & their skinny-ness. I wished I did though :<

SO yes, coming right up is 6 eye burning pictures! 3 of them are the original ones while the other 3 are the edited ones. What did I edit? My fatness & the lighting!

Weird right? LOL I dont think that I am able to pull of such a look well if I dont wear a wig. (’-’*)

This was the picture that I showed Twinnie & Deepa & they said it wasnt bad. I feel that I could improve more. When I have time of course! I need to study as well! :>

I attempted the same style in blue as well, but I think that the purple one looks better right? Or is it just me. I think the lashes did a great job~ For top lashes, I used Sally Mok's lashes while for bottom lashes, I used Diamond Lash Princess Eyes.

Okay thats all for now! I NEED TO CLEAN MY ROOM! =D

Byebye! ヽ(^Д^)ノ

Yours faithfully